What To Expect
What to Expect at a Chapter Meeting
You don’t need to pre-register to attend regular monthly meetings; feel free to come by whenever you feel up to it and someone will greet you at the door. Meetings begin at 3:00 p.m. and conclude at approximately 5:00 p.m. If this is your first meeting, please try to arrive about 15-20 minutes early and someone will speak with you and tell you about the meeting, gather some information about you and your loss, and we will have a free gift for you.
Coming to your first meeting is the hardest, but you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain. Feel free to bring your spouse, an adult relative or other supportive person to your first meeting or two, until you feel comfortable with us. Meetings typically involve introductions sharing your child’s name, a short program or discussion on a topic related to grief, an informal time of refreshments and meeting in small group sharing sessions. You do not have to speak if you are not comfortable doing that. Simply listening to others’ experiences can be helpful. Anything shared during the meeting is confidential.
Try not to judge your first meeting as to whether TCF will work for you. That 2nd, 3rd or 4th meeting might be the time when you will find the right person or hear the right words that will help you with your grief work. Remember, we are all bereaved parents and family members who struggle with similar issues and the same intense pain.
Lending Library
As we make this very personal journey through life, the words and insight of others can provide hope, understanding and guidance. Please feel free to browse through the selection of books available in our Lending Library. All books may be borrowed for up to three months, or longer if necessary, but please return them so that others can benefit from reading them also.
We invite you to donate books to our library, too! A special sticker with your child's name and dates will be on the inside cover - what a caring way to honor your child and share with other bereaved families.
Birthday Table
If it is your child's birthday month, we invite you to come to our monthly meeting and share their story! (Even if you don't attend meetings regularly, we would love to meet you and honor your child.)
Birthdays hold treasured memories and are especially difficult for surviving parents and siblings; TCF offers a wonderful venue to honor and celebrate the precious life-story of your loved one. Taking a few minutes to share a picture, memento, award or even their favorite toy is a gentle reminder to all that love continues and grows with each passing year.
A special Birthday Table is available to display your pictures and special keepsakes at the monthly meetings. If you wish, you may also bring in their favorite snack to share - or even a birthday cake!